Sunday, January 13, 2013

To Start..

To start this blog, Lets begin with a quote;

"There must be a divorce! Within the egg of sin there sleeps the seed of damnation! Man, there must be a divorce between you and your sins. Not a mere separation for a season, but a clear divorce. Cut off the right arm; pluck out the right eye, and cast them from you, or else you cannot enter into eternal life." Charles Spurgeon, The Chief of Sinners 

  Alright so pretty big on the heavy Debby downer eh? Oh look another Doom and Gloom kinda guy. Well fair enough it does seem odd that this would be the start to a blog. No getting to know the blogger, no discussion or light topic as it were.Well the fact of it is, Cant seem to see where else to start off with ( unless you want to go back to Genesis 1?).The reality is this blog will be for Christians mainly, if God wills that someone comes who either does not believe or is misinformed, then all the more glory to God.I wanted to share this excerpt of  C.H. Spurgeon's sermon I believe, because it is where we start this interesting journey.

  For some time now I have been going through my own trials and battles with maintaining holiness(yes that ambitious, I suppose..),striving for God's glory among the other many list of things we as Christians strive to do daily, and in many ways don't meet most of them. Find myself tediously looking for the next passage in scripture to fix what is ailing my sinful nature from truly breaking free and serving our great Lord and King. Then as God normally works, on a day that I take oh so for granted, walked in to Church, knowing what to expect. Worship,Sermon,Lord's Supper, Catechism, done. Its been ingrained into my head now the routine of how things are done, And yet I am thankful for this. Where some see boring, legalistic (judging from there not so "legalistic" standpoint),monotonous routine. The Lord may be starting to reveal me the simple beauty to appreciate what he has ordained in his word to be done, because through it his means and will are brought into the hearts of every believer. How does this relate to the quote and where was this going ?

My pastor preached on Mark 9, the transfiguration of Christ in front of  Peter,James and John. Peter as we later discussed in Catechism, is someone who we should all look to as an example of a sinner who acts irrational, thinks foolishly, speaks loudly, and is  humbled quickly.Someone who Christ  had such compassion for, that allowed him to go so far as deny him thrice and still make him an apostle, a man who would tend the flock until his return. As I listened, one common thought came from the sermon, and some days that is a miracle (not to the discredit of my pastor, I am just forgetful at times where I really shouldn't).All I could think of is Christ was transformed into what I would say is the beginning of the end, the final 10 meters, the last lap, The Finish line.This marvellous time where it is revealed  in the word and before men where Christ comes out and shows but a fraction of his divinity and glory. So small yet the smallest fraction dumbfounds man, carnal man. That is what I ended up meditating on most of the day ( Along with Hebrews 7:25, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, and now 1 Peter 5:6-11, check em out!). His glory was so awesome ( not as in cool, but as awing God in his might and glory), that God the father had put it in simple words, "...this is my beloved son;Listen to him.'' Mark 9:7b, so plain and simple and yet so beautiful and glorifying.It was at this moment of meditating and thinking that things started to click in little ways that get me all excited as if bacon was cooking.

 Realising that Christ's glory is all that matters. Not my worry, not my suffering, not my pain, because as 2 Corinthians 4, and 1 Peter 5 explain. It is all to show Christ's Glory, and in return and in time God will "...restore,confirm,strengthen and establish you.'' 1 Peter 5:10B. That whole verse talks about in the context of elders if you start at verse one, but one can see the personal implication as a day in-day out Christian walk.So to wrap up, to have sin cut off, plucked out, and as C.H. Spurgeon says; " Divorce sin,not just for a season" (paraphrased), this is done by seeing who we are compared to Christ. It is truly a beautiful thought to know what He did on the cross has freed us from the slavery of sin, as the Canons of  Dort Head of Doctrine 5 states, So that we may worship and glorify him. He has given us his spirit. We can walk in Holiness sisters and brothers, we can walk away from Egypt. And if we go back? Well as the late Blind Willie Johnson once said, " It's Nobody's Fault But Mine".

Soli Deo Gloria.